Redsage Welsh Springers

How we got here!

I started showing Chows in 1982.  My first I called my "learner dog".  Then I got a better male, Gus, then there was Sophie.  She was really lovely and we did very well.  She took the only Group 1 earned by a Chow Bitch in 1990, was the #5 Chow bitch and #20 Chow overall in the breed during a time when they were very popular and had very sizeable entries at all the shows

A couple of years later our second welsh pup, Tasha, came home and became the show dog Sarah had wanted.  She even took several 1st & 2nd  places in the Open Sr class while she was still a puppy!

Just one month after "aging out" of Jr's, Sarah finished Tasha's championship, having put all the points on her.  
Rico, Kyra, Truman (who seems to think the couch tastes good), Dugan & Sarah.
When Sarah decided she needed 'more dog' for Jr's competition, she researched several breeds.  From her top 3, we selected the Welsh Springer Spaniels and after a year of making contacts and searching, we got our first welshie.     
Katherine was a member of the Intermountain Kennel Club (an AKC Member Club) of Salt Lake City for 12 years holding Board & Office positions, volunteering as a Conformation trainer in classes and Public Education Coordinator.

Membership in the Beehive Toy Group of Utah covered a period of 7 years.  During that time serving as Club President for 2 terms, plus 3 terms on the Board.

There was a 6 year Membership held with the Chow Chow Club of America, and about 10 years with the English Toy Spaniel Club of America.

Currently Katherine is a member in good standing with the Welsh Springer Spaniel Club of America, the Rocky Mountain Welsh Springer Spaniel Club and the Southwest WSSC.  

My English Toy Spaniel Champion, Jasper, was a half brother to the dog used for the illustration on the AKC Breed chart, and Jasper himself pops up on the AKC website every now and then.  As a Special he was ranked in the top 10 in the western U.S. and top 15 nationwide for a couple of years, along with qualifying for the first two 
AKC Eukanuba Championship Shows.  He loved 
to show and took Sarah through years of Junior Showmanship competitions, including 
a Best Junior in Show!    
Simon at 4 months - a Jasper son & my first Bred by Exhibitor Champion.
Motherhood brought a need to make some changes, so I researched several smaller breeds and eventually decided on English Toy Spaniels.  They are so sweet, and easy to live with.  I finished 4 of them, always owner-handled.  

Sarah grew up around dog shows and developed her ring skills as a 
Jr Handler.  During many of those years she also rode and was schooled in English Hunter Jumpers by top instructors.  Her natural affinity for animal behavior, movement and structure were enhanced by both activities. 

Sarah and Rico were members of the Golden Spike Dog Training Club of Ogden when they lived in Utah.  

We are pleased to have been recognized with Membership in the 

Welsh Springer Spaniels we own & Co-own:

GCH Redsage Some Dance to Remember at Rainbow's End

GCH Redsage Notorious at Celtic Crown

GCHS Redsage Hello Sunshine, TKN, RATO

GCH New Scotia Bette Davis, NA, NAJ, OA  **

AKC GCH, BIS Brazil GCH, Argentina & FCI Int'l CH  
  Redsage Oh Fudge *

GCH Redsage Pixie Dust on Briar Rose **

GCH Redsage Defying Gravity *

GCH Redsage The Sun Shines Through the Rain At BriarRose **

CH Redsage Rustic Canyon Rusty

​CH Redsage The Sun Sets at Rechargeabullz 

CH Redsage The Sun Rises at Rechargeabullz *

CH Redsage Pervenche Parisienne *

CH Trystyn's Some Like It Hot At Redsage **

CH Redsage Creme Brulee *

CH Redsage Truffle Canyondancer

CH Redsage Crackerjack Cadence *  
(Finished at 9 months)

CH Loreln's Tasharele at Redsage ** 

Welsh Springer Spaniels we bred:

GCHG Juniper's Daylight Special, TKN

CH Redsage Country Sunshine, RN

CH Redsage Aide-de-Camp **

CH Redsage Apres Ski **

CH Redsage Legerdemain

CH Redsage J'Adore Seville

CH Redsage Hot Lil' Number

CH Redsage the Buck Stops at Rocksprings **
(Finished at 7 months)

Standard Poodle:
CH Desert Reef's Genisis at Redsage

Breeds from our past as 

English Toy Spaniels:
CH Fairoak's Eastwind Music Man **
CH Eastwind Persistance Pays *
CH Eastwind Snickerdoodle Spice *
CH All Celia Sunshine Golightly **

Chow Chows:
CH Sundance Eastwind Tsingtao **

* Denotes Bred By Exhibitor Champions
** Denotes Owner/Handled Champions

We are pleased to have been recognized with Membership in the