Kyra's page
CERF Normal
OFA Cardiac normal
OFA Thyroid normal
OFA Hips Good
OFA Elbows Normal
Puppy Temperament:
Sought out people, calm and accepting. Rarely dominent with other puppies, but would hold her own.
9 Wk Structural Evaluation:
Excellent overall, no particular faults to note. Well set elbows and depth of chest, excellent rear angulation, topline and length of loin. Strong head and general structure predicted to make her a solid, somewhat 'doggy' bitch.
Considered top "Pick" among group
of 4 show bitches and 2 show males from litter of 8.
Kyra was the "Pick" of a very nice litter and has stayed with us. She is what we wanted, all of Tasha's good qualities and correction of her weaknesses.
Kyra is a sweet natured girl with incredible movement and a great deal of potential that we hope to show off in the coming years.
Kyra was the Bred by Exhibitor Best of Breed and regular class Best of Opposite Sex at the 2009 AKC Eukanuban National Championship. She received an invitation to Crufts 2010, and Invitations to the AKC Eukanuba Nat'l in 2010, 2011 and 2012.
Kyra finished her Granch Champion title with 5 four point majors!
In 2012 as a newly crowned GCH, she was exhibited at only 6 show weekends for a total of 16 shows April thru September
where she won:
6 Best of Breeds,
8 Best of Opposites and
2 Select Bitch placements!
She finished 2012 with a total of 60 points towards her Bronze !

We are THRILLED with Kyra's wins at the
2009 AKC Eukanuba National Championship!
At just 15 months she was awarded
Best of Breed-Bred By & BOS in regular classes!
Thank You Judge Terry Stacy!
CLICK HERE to see more about Kyra!
CH Redsage Defying Gravity
Handled by Co-owner & Co-breeder Sarah Dahlstet Haftmann
This Group of photos is from Long Beach in June/July 2012. Kyra was a couple months shy of her 4th birthdy, and still re-growing feathers post puppies.
Kyra with her 10 two week old pups in September 2011.
South Jordan show, May 2012.
Three consectutive BoB's!
Three days of shows, 3 consecutive BoS's over multiple bitch specials and overall large Welsh entry!
Three consecutive days of shows with a big entry for Southern California.
1 Best of Breed
2 Best of Opposite Sex
Over several Welsh Specials!
Timeline Kyra ... our 'Grand Girl'
Took her first major, over the boys, her first show weekend at 6 months.
Took her second major, again over the boys, at 12 months to finish her CH!
Won her first Group Placement the following weekend.
In 2010 Kyra was specialed just a few times due to a busy family year, but still picked up several GCH points.
Was lost in the wilderness (ran away from a friend's home) for 3 days and nights in March 2011 in cold, wintery temps, but found her way back! Very thin with worn pads, cuts, scraps and cactus in her feet and feathers, she could barely walk once she got to us.
When she had recovered, we specialed her at just 3 shows in May & June to see if she was ready and she was happy in the ring and continued earning her GCH points, plus made 'the cut' in heavy competition in the Sporting Group a couple of times.
She was bred that summer and had a litter of 10 in Sept. 2011. Five boys & Five girls. Four are in show homes! OFA Health testing is coming in with great results overall on this group!
In April 2012, at her first show after puppies, she
finished her Grand Championship picking up the last of her FIVE 4 point majors!
From April to September she was exhibited at
6 show weekends for a total of 16 shows, where she
WON 16 PLACEMENTS including:
6 Best of Breeds,
8 Best of Opposites and
2 Select Bitch placements
to complete a total of 60 GCH points
including 13 Majors,
towards her GCH Bronze!
In December 2012 she had a singleton litter, adorable and spirited June!
In July 2013 she had her third and last litter of five, 2 Girls and 3 boys. Two are in show homes!