Photos & Notes

11/27 - Puppies turned 11 weeks yesterday and it has been a busy month corresponding with buyers and finalizing which puppies were best suited for which homes and owners. The last of the pups designated as "pets" went home to Tucson yesterday. More about who has gone where on the general "NEWS" pages.
While it is hard to see them go, it is comforting to know they will now develop into their own little characters away from the group. There are fun littler personalities that I see glimpses of, so I appreciate that they will blossom in their new homes. Each will have their adjustment period, but are overall a very happy, willing to learn and adorable bunch of puppies and will do well with patience and praise. And Puppy class!!!
Presently we have 4 pups remaining here. They are the best from a very nice litter and we hope to find them homes where they will be shown. Fudge & Puddin are looking to make an impact in the ring. Brulee is our keeper, we think! Maybe it will be Truffle, but the right situation might tempt us to let Truffle strut out the door. She is a cutie, and knows it!
10/29 - Seven weeks old today and they had lots of time outside and they are nonstop motion when awake. There are a bunch of very tired puppies tonight. Time was spent in the front yard, meeting a couple neightborhood kids and seeing cars and bikes go by. Truffle coaxed the old lady (Auntie Kaci - now 8 yrs) to play. She was bouncing around, fanny in the air, just like she was one of the puppies!
Each puppy seeks out attention during our outings and they love getting it. Kids and strangers are accepted! This group has such great temperaments!!
10/22 - Six weeks old today! Boy how time flies when you are busy!! The weather is holding and they spend a lot of time outside playing and now have a larger area to explore. We weighed and wormed all the pups today and Sarah even managed to trim all 160 toenails! The biggest boys are over 9 1/2 lbs, several boys & girls are in the 8 lb range and the smallest couple are just under 8 lbs!
They have become accustomed to the rattly, clangy plastic jugs and metal dishes and such that I have on the patio for them to experience. When they have played hard, they take themselves to the door, or inside if it is open and go to their bed area and crash.
10/16 - Super weather has made it great for the pups to go outside. They explore and romp, scamper around in the bigger space, play with new toys and generally have a great time, then get good and tired. Yay! Nap time!!
10/14 - One or two pups at a time get to be out of the pen, meeting the adult dogs and other people in the house. There might be some brushing and nail clipping, and maybe snuggle time on the couch if they are sleepy. In the pen they have a small crate which they all like to go in at times. They use it to out of the way of the romping. And that is what a crate is - a dog's den!
10/08 - 4 weeks old and scampering across the new, larger puppy palace (it is a pen - but darn spacious!) Every day there are different toys and things like boxes and plastic containers to check out and chew on. All the front teeth are in and half their diet is now softened puppy kibble with formula. Best news is they are usually using the puppy pads for peeing and always for pooping. Yay!
10/01 - Three weeks and everyone is walking, and slurping up their daily supplement of formula thickened with rice cereal. They are messy, but focused! Mom is still contributing the vast majority of their nutrition. We have more moments of playing, woofing and growling (little puppy growls are really cute, actually,) and they mouth toys and fingers as they explore and learn.
9/26 - Three escapes from the box today so we added the extensions. Earliest any puppies have gotten out! They now weigh nearly 2 lbs, some are 2 1/2! Their combined weight is half as much as their mother!
9/24 - Two weeks old and all eyes are open. First outing to the lawn! Couple are up and walking, though still wobbly.
9/22 - I did not see the puppies for 2 days and boy have they gotten bigger! Males are around 2 lbs now and the girls are close behind. Today eyes have started to open and Fudge gets up and walks already!
9/18 - Smallest pup has nearly tripled her birth weight, and the others have all gained similarly well. Those that were born with light pigment are gradually getting darker.
9/16 - All pups have doubled their birth weight in just under a week.
9/14 - Bunch of noses turned black while I was at work! No one has needed further supplementing and all 10 are with Mom all the time now. We help her get in the box and keep puppies out of the way as she settles in with them.
9/12 - The littlest pups were supplemented a few times, but now are happy to nurse and fight the syringe, so we'll see if they keep up without the formula. Tails docked and dewclaws removed today. Dr Ford commented on how strong they all are!
9/10 - After a long night, trips to both the ER Vet & our regular vet ...Kyra managed to deliver all 10 puppies on her own! All are healthy and hungry so far, and they seem pretty feisty! There are 5 Boys & 5 Girls! Way to go Kyra & Filson!!
The 'Just Desserts' litter
b. 9/10/11 - Kyra x Filson
5 Boys & 5 Girls!
>> General Photos - Most recent are at the top. <<
10 & 11 week photos
Couple days before delivery - Kyra had to take a nap after stirring the bedding around to suit her.
All 10 (Yup - they are in there!) Day 3
Eating and Sleeping - that's what they do!
Click HERE for info on the Parents
Click HERE for info on Welsh Springers & our Puppy Questionnaire
Click on a gender to go to the individual puppy galleries!
Or move down to the general puppy photos.
9/22 - full tummy and time to snuggle
9/24 - 2 weeks and most are 2 lbs or more!
Cobbler walking at just 2 weeks - 9/24
Mom provides lots of snuggles and perches -9/24
A Yawn on top and a 'hey, get off" on the bottom - 9/24
Toes were pink at birth, many are now turning black a speckle at a time! 9/24
S'mores - Left & Tiramisu - Right 9/24
Another post lunch nap! -9/26
Creme Brulee getting a snuggle - 9/26
10/2 -
exploring the new toys!
10/2 - Snugling with toys
10/01 - A person is almost as nice to curl up on for a nap as Mom!
10/07 - They Love people!
10/13 - The valiant mother! The puppies now weigh as much as she does!
10/13 - Geni wants to play!
10/13 - The kibble is yummy!
Thumbnails from 10/15 & 10/16
5 Weeks Old
Click to enlarge
To see which puppies have gone to their new homes, click for the NEWS page!
Photos & thumbnails
taken 10/29
Puppies are 7 Weeks
See individual puppy "portrait"
Galleries on 'The Boys' and 'The Girls' pages for stacked photos
Puddin & Fudge learning to go down the stairs! Hilarious!!
The girls all figured it out long since!
Fudge - above L & R and below Right
Brulee above and below and Sherbet - right
Sherbie & Brulee groveling before
Grumpy Grandma Tasha.