Whatever LOLA wants .....

I am quite sure Lola gets!
Pretty Lola is in charge of the MacCallum household in California! She is reportedly 'Queen' of the park where she goes twice a day, and it looks like she is a spoiled princess at home!
The Cute ones always get away with the most, don't they!
"Lola" Redsage Red Velvet
CH Trystyn's Blue Rodeo x GCH Redsage Defying Gravity
CH Redsage Crackerjack Cadence
Dexter at 4 years - retired from the show ring ...for now!
Dexter - on the right after a BIG trimming in September.
Below - 6 weeks later he and Dugan came to visit me at the show site in Pueblo, CO. Straight off the ranch with none of that silly brushing and blow drying! Even in his 'everyday' look, he is a handsome boy with great bone, a sweet face, lovely topline and angles ...plus a ton of coat!
Dexter has been collected and frozen with very good reports on the quality.
This is handsome Ruger in Colorado.
He is Kyra's littermate and is a happy,
busy, outdoors boy!
Thanks for the photos and updates, Mike!
Cute little Lucy Rentas (Tasha x Nash litter). Having her annual birthday ice cream and keeping a watch on her world from the window that was obviously designed with her in mind!
Super news from Rocky's owner (Kyra x Filson litter), he is the first to get his OFA thyroid test with Normal results!
Now ...if I can just find the snapshots they sent.....
This is Beans from the Kyra x Filson litter, now just over a year old. Super family portrait with his "parents", Emily & Chad and a couple of other photos from his last few months.
Thanks so much for sharing!
Molly Grudniski, from the Kyra -Filson litter, has has her OFA Thyroid panel results come back Normal. Yay! Two down, 8 to go!!!