Melody's page:

OFA Hips Excellent
OFA Thyroid Normal
OFA Elbows Normal
CERF (Eyes) Normal
(Waiting for CHIC number to be assigned.)


Puppy Temperament:
Sometimes quiet, but very willing to jump into the fray with littermates.  Showed no fear and was typically outgoing with people as a youngster. 

9 Wk Structural Evaluation:
Excellent overall; lovely head, neck and topline.  Very good rear, perhaps could have a bit more depth of chest but too early to rule out more development.  Good shoulder layback and rear angulation.    

Melody was our 2nd pick girl in a near tie with Kyra.  When Nora Carlton evaluated the litter she commented that the bitches were superior overall.

Melody went home with her dam, Tashas' breeder, Lori Spears.  She finished her Championship quickly and is a lovely bitch with excellent proportions.

Lori also reports her as "Wicked Smart" and her sire's line has a lot of hunting and working dog titles so she must have gotten it from Nash!

Day 21 week3 weeks4 weeksRed (later Melody) at 5 weeksSweet little snuggleMelody at 6 wks8 Wks8 WksMelody with Nora Carlton after evaluation at 9 wksPuppy Sweeps at WSSCA National Apr 2010 - 7 monthsWinning a 4 pt major with Kit Goodrich handling.  She really wanted to go get the photographers' toy!Finishing her Championship at the Rio Rancho Sporting Dog show at 13 months of age with Tina Secord handling.
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