CH Redsage Sun Shines Through the Rain at BriarRose

CH Bartay's Little Bit Rock N Roll, BN   
CH Trystyn's Some Like It Hot at Redsage 

OFA  Good  Hips
OFA Normal Elbows, Thyroid & Eyes 

Pictured winning her Championship.  

Irrepressible Lola lives in WA where she is the adoring best friend of young Master Caiden.  The pair have done very well in the show ring in both Pee Wee competitions, and standard point shows.  So cute!!

Many thanks to Brooke & Richard for the wonderful life and variety of activities they offer their canine family members.  Family hikes, beach time, struttin' in the show ring and field training.  

Left at 1 year, below at 7 months
Above at 8 weeks - below at 6 weeks