Redsage Chantelle Butterscotch Decadence
M - b. 9/10/11
CH Tyrstyn's Blue Rodeo x GCH Redsage Defying Gravity
OFA Hips Fair *
OFA Cardiac Normal
Puppy Health:
Bite normal
Testicles Normal - down at 6 1/2 weeks
Eyes - normal per CERF
Decker is a funny boy who LOVES fetching a tennis ball, and is very biddable and happy to learn. He is a sweetheart that loves attention and is an easy going traveler and housemate who asks little more than to be with you.
He has lovely bone, a deep rib cage and superior forechest and front angles. His topline is rock solid whether standing or moving.
His beautiful, full coat is naturally straight and flat. While he has a lot of white, his red fields are a deep, rich red, plus his eye, nose and lip pigments are perfectly black.
As a pup, he was the first of 5 boys to have his testicles drop by 6 1/2 weeks. His bite is normal, and he passed all his OFA's!
While his owner never finished his Championship, we feel he has a lot of beneficial qualities to contribute to the breed.

> Handsome Decker was placed as a Show Dog and I retained a co-ownership. His custodial owner, due to medical & personal issues had not shown him by the time he was 18 months old. I traveled to Oregon and got him to his first 2 shows in June 2013 at the age of 21 months. The second show weekend, he took a Reserve to a 5 pt major!! After those 2 shows, his owner had further complications, so he again missed several opportunities in their region. So in Feb. 2014 Sarah and I traveled to Albany, OR where we took him for the weekend and he won a 4 point major after his 8 month hiatus! At that time his custodial owner agreed he should go with us to continue his training and find more show opportunities.
While with us, we got all of Deckers' health testing done, and he passed everything! *
We entered him at shows in May where he picked up a some single points and a couple of RWD's. Because of complications from having his littermate, Fudge, in country from Brazil at the same time, Decker went home to Oregon just when he was getting warmed up.
Unfortunately, his owner was still unable to get Decker to any more shows, so his Championship remains unfinished.
But this does not diminish Decker's qualities! He has wonderful bone, a rock solid topline, deep rib cage and wonderful forechest, nice length of neck and a really lovely side gait. Decker has nicely converging movement front and rear. His eye & nose pigment are very dark and add to his very sweet expression, and his coat quality is exceptional. His easy going, gentle nature makes for a super companion. He is highly biddable and very playful. I feel his only flaw is that he is a bit wide at the elbows.
* Decker's littermates included 2 OFA Excellent & 5 OFA Good hip scores. His parents re OFA Good and he has a large number of half siblings with OFA Good & Excellent ratings, so the family hip history is strong.
His other owner said he likely only rated "Fair" on his OFA hip eval due to being kenneled during the day with her Golden's who spend a lot of time jumping up and down while standing on their hind legs. Decker copied this from the time he was a pup. I would agree this could likely have a negative impact on developing joints.

Decker's time with us in Utah was busy and fun. He is a super happy goof who LOVES to play!!! At left, waiting for the next ball to be tossed, below, crashed after a long romp with his niece, Bette.
Such a good natured guy!